Global Seasonal Sentinel-1 Interferometric Coherence map released

The University of Houston participates in delivering global synthetic aperture radar coherence dataset. Coherence is a parameter used for assessing SAR interferograms quality. It is represented by a real number varying from 0 to 1 calculated with the complex correlation coefficient. InSAR coherence can be used for several applications including forest mapping and land cover characterization. (Full Paper, AWS Sentinel-1 coherence dataset, Global coherence map at ASF, Press Release Earth Big Data)


Seasonal RGB mosaics of median VV 12-days coherence (red band), mean VH backscatter (green band), and mean VH/VV backscatter ratio (blue band). Colors are enhanced for visual effect, but not altered between seasons. Image Credit: Scientific Data.

International Space Agencies feature our last study on rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica

Our recent Nature Geoscience paper titled: Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica has been featured by the German Aerospace Agency (DLR) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).

In this University of Houston-led study the research group found proof of unprecedented rapid retreat in Antarctica’s Pope Smith and Kohler Glaciers. This is just one of multiple mechanisms indicating instability in an area of Antarctica called the Amundsen Sea Embayment that could rise the average sea level by 1.3m (4.3ft).

Full paper: Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica

DLR Press Release:

ASI Press Release:

Credits: DLR (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)


Invited Talk at the Earth and Atmospheric Science Department

When: October 8th 2021

What:Invited Talk at the Earth and Atmospheric Science Dept. at the University of Houston

Topic:Ice melt near grounding zones of Antarctic glaciers


26th Ka Band conference

On Thursday September 30st Dr. Milillo will chair the Earth Observation session of the 26th Ka Band Conference.

PBS Mentions to Dr. Milillo’s research on Cryosphere

Full article:

NASA Press release: InSAR analysis on the Morandi Bridge (Italy) collapse

NASA JPL Press release presents the latest results related to the analysis of interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data related to the collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Italy.


Link to the full press release:

NY Times outlet of Pietro Milillo’s research on Thwaites Glacier

Our research on Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica has been featured by the New York Times