Our recent Nature Geoscience paper titled: Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica has been featured by the German Aerospace Agency (DLR) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI).
In this University of Houston-led study the research group found proof of unprecedented rapid retreat in Antarctica’s Pope Smith and Kohler Glaciers. This is just one of multiple mechanisms indicating instability in an area of Antarctica called the Amundsen Sea Embayment that could rise the average sea level by 1.3m (4.3ft).
Full paper: Rapid glacier retreat rates observed in West Antarctica
DLR Press Release: https://www.dlr.de/content/de/artikel/news/2022/01/20220128_gletscher-schmelzen-schneller-als-erwartet.html
ASI Press Release: https://www.asi.it/2022/01/rivelati-i-meccanismi-di-scioglimento-dei-ghiacciai/

Credits: DLR (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)